Flavor: It's really, really hard, if not impossible, to find a good sugarfree grape gum. This right here? Is a good sugarfree grape gum. So why did Wrigley's muck it all up with their stupid "React" shenanigans? The original 5 React Fruit was a tropical explosion, all pineapple-mangoey. I would think someone who's tried the original recipe and is not gum-obsessed like me would gloss over the teeny "2" on the package, assuming it was your same-old, same-old. What's WRONG with you, Wrigley's? You've got a good thing, here! This is GRAPE! A GOOD grape! If you were itching to add to the 5 lineup, why not come up with a clever descripive word and call it something like "5 BLAM"? At least then, you'd get to stick a little tagline on the packaging, "A gooey, grapey grape" or something. No one who isn't a fan of Gum Alert will know that the new 5 React Fruit is grape. (Note: Katie said that after a few minutes this gets a distinct "Children's Chewable Tylenol" taste, but I never really minded Children's Chewable Tylenol, anyway.)
Texture: 5 always comes through with the good texture. This one gets a little tough on prolonged chewing, but it's a nice kind of tough, it's a very meaty chew.
Presentation: 5 packaging, blah blah blah. More of the same. It's all great, but it's all the same. The gum itself continues to be black, and I maintain: Why?
Overall: This is a solid gum. It has its flaws, but it's really the first gum, at least since the inception of this blog, that has succeeded as a sugarfree grape. If you're a grape fan, pick this one up and give it a try. The wee "2" packs a big surprize.
Rating: oooo (four gumballs)
Where did you Find it? Do you like in Australia? Or someplace else. I really wanna try it!
Where did you Find it? Do you like in Australia? Or someplace else. I really wanna try it!
MizzA - We're in the US and this gum is widely available now!
Cool! Thanks, now that you mention it, i might have seen it before. Do you have a fave-all time gum? I really love Carefree peppermint and i also really love Extra Polar Ice....Yum!
My all-time fave is Extra Polar Ice. :) Katie's is Trident Minty Sweet Twist.
Really? Cool! You have good taste in gum! I hope you gum girlz go far! This is a really good blog! Also, (this was-or feels like- ages ago) but i think your blog is much better that Vanity Fair's 'Chewed Out' section. Hmm, funny, them not even knowing your blog existed.
Thank you MizzA! :)
I wish I could find real Wintergreen chewing gum at the store. Not wintermint or winter cool, just wintergreen. Not with any green tea , just wintergreen gum. Can you help?
I also thought this gum tasted like grape. However, nobody I asked thought it did. Thanks for reviewing this. I guess my taste isin't off after all!
Tastes like cough medicine.
I really thought this gum tasted like grape, but I wasn't sure if it was supposed to change flavors because it started to taste like grapefruit, with an orangey twist.
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